I hope this finds you healthy and happy. If, however, this finds you anxious and worried, let's talk.
As you know, when you have a consultation with me, I always check five energetic body planes:
Most of my current consultations have people struggling with the Mental and Emotional energetic body planes.
Even if you do not have the basic survival insecurities of food, shelter, and safety as a concern there are so many other happenings in our world to cause extra stress and anxiety at this time.
If you are doing well, I would be surprised. Our nervous system is only equipped to handle so much stress before it goes into overdrive and then exhaustion. Sometimes denial is one of the ways it handles too much stimulation. So, what can you do about it?
First, you can note how your body reacts to stress. Commonly, we use three words:
Now if I was looking at cortisol patterns we would see Fight as an elevation in cortisol with enough adrenal (epinephrine) to respond by fighting the stressor. We could see Flight as elevated cortisol with low adrenal function and you can't fight so it's run for your life! The third, Fright we see with low cortisol and low adrenal function.
What is the ideal function? If we run across a stressor and we are healthy we have elevated cortisol and overcome the stress then within six hours we can see the cortisol come back into balance. Six hours is how long it takes for the cortisol to get back to a set point in a healthy person.
Now, take that same person and have them encounter stress every few hours for weeks and you start to see them slide. They never get back to a set point of balance because the stress becomes chronic. They slide into the second response and think, "I'll just avoid that person who stresses me or miss that deadline that is looming over me", etc.
If the person deals with chronic stress in multiple energetic bodies: Physical, Etheric, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual; we will see them slide into the third stress response. We may see them lose the ability to smile, laugh, engage, create, etc. They just don't have enough energy. They may make bad decisions. They may lose friends. They may decide it's too hard to be on this Earth anymore.
Add in the lack of nature, exercise, healthy eating, drinking enough water throughout the day, and even the time of year - Mid-Winter. This time of year can be tough for many. The sun is coming out more and more but it's still not enough. Things can look dreary and the temperatures are not just cold as they are in Winter, but windy too. Wind can cause static electricity which can also make people irritable (note: adding a little humidity to your inside air cuts down on static electricity).
If we take that picture and multiply it by the population around us, you can see why people aren't being so nice to each other. When someone doesn't feel good on any of the five energetic planes, they can get grumpy and the more planes affected the grumpier they can get.
I want to give you a few ideas of things you can do to help stay centered and have enough energy to be kind to those around you (no matter how unkind they may be). Whether you are an introvert or not, humans do better living and working around other humans.
For 2025 I have my own focus goals. I would like to be a more compassionate observer. I've named my year Project 2025- Kind Humans. Do you have a focus for this year? If not, that's the first suggestion I have. A focus gives us something to strive for. It should be a goal that is achievable and actionable. Then, simply a lot 10 min of each day (right before sleep is a great time) to reflect on your focus.
Next, I invite you to create a Stress Relief Kit. This is not my idea, but I learned it long ago from the book, "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach published in 1995.
In that book, I learned about her suggestion (March 7th for those who have the book) to create what she named a "Comfort Drawer". I created one and have had one ever since. Although I call it my Stress Relief Kit.
I have practical items, frivolous items, and sentimental items in that drawer. It's a drawer to open when you feel the world is just too much. Everyone's idea of comfort or stress relief will look a little different, but I'll share some of the things I've used over the years (my contents change with my age and seasons):
What would you put in your Stress Relief Drawer? I'd love to hear.
Yes, you can have tech that helps and I'm not talking about social media apps. Instead, look at downloading the Tapping Solutions app which can allow you access to guided tapping sessions for almost any stressful situation. Link here: https://www.thetappingsolution.com/
I also like YouTube for things like Heart Math guided meditations. If you want to get serious you can download the Heart Math app and sensor which shows you where your stress is in real time. Link here: https://www.heartmath.com/coherenceplus/
Healing music is another good one. Find something that either has healing tones (crystal bowls, chants, etc) or just simply makes you smile.
The last suggestion I have is to get creative. Get out your crayons, paints, pencils, guitar, clay, or whatever you enjoy, and make something beautiful.
Every morning and every evening I either paint, write, or knit. These creative endeavors keep me connected to my higher self (Energetic Spiritual Body Plane).
You may have heard the expression, "Art feeds the soul." It's true, when we are weary, tired, cranky and just feel like the world is ending creating art is the answer.
Even better, making art with others! If you're rusty join an art class. If you have a big family have an art night.
There is power in collective creativity. Use it. Encourage it.
Last, I want to mention that I have a quick and easy class on how to dowse. In my life dowsing has made all the difference. Sometimes we get disconnected from that higher self and dowsing can reestablish that connection.
If you would like to take the recorded online class you will find it here for $25 https://www.dailydowsing.com
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