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Transitioning With The Seasons

Hello Health Seekers! 

I apologize for the lengthy lapse in delivering a newsletter to you but this is what happens when you run a one-woman business.  I've always loved hats, but sometimes it's one hat too many! 

Today I wanted to discuss three things:

1) How we can ease into each season

2) The importance of enzymes

3) Integrating That Clean Life nutritional software to my practice




Just like our own bodies, mama Earth changes too.  They are slower, more subtle changes but sometimes they can be intense.  Over the last few years interesting things have been happening to our weather and our seasons.  The poles are shifting.  What does that mean for the humans trying to seek out permanent colonies on an impermanent world? 

According to NASA, "The position of Earth’s magnetic north pole has gradually drifted north-northwest by more than 600 miles since 1831, and its forward speed has increased from about 10 miles per year to about 34 miles per year. "

I grew up in California.  We always thought anything North of San Francisco was colder, rainier and grayer.  Oregon and Washington = BRING YOUR UMBRELLA.  However, as I aged and the Northern Pole kept moving, I noticed the heat moved North too. 

When I moved to Oregon in 2012 to work with MarcoPharma, everyone told me how wet, cold and rainy Oregon would be and I thought so too.  However, it wasn't true.  In fact I kept remarking how much like Northern California the weather was.  I complained that most of the older homes didn't even have air conditioning and the summers were over 90 degrees Fahrenheit!  I know, First World problems. 

Now, I'm not writing to complain about the weather in Oregon.  I am just bringing up the fact that it has been a slow change that has led us to today with unpredictable weather patterns, increasingly extreme storms, fires and worrying crop failures.  The news is filled with articles screaming for answers due to the many deaths and destructions caused but these changes. Our grocery stores reflect the price of these changes every time we check out.    

As most of you know, my naturopathic practice is to assess, support and monitor health using a wholistic approach.  How our body assesses, supports and monitors our health is through our nervous system.  Our nervous system does not do well with sudden or erratic changes.  Our nervous system does not do well with synthetic smells, sights, tastes, feelings, or sounds.  We can easily overload our nervous systems with the current modern day lifestyle.  We are less mobile, more dependent on technology, work longer hours, eat and drink more synthetic substances and move through a world that resembles more of a movie set than nature.  

Some of you may have heard me talk of Anthroposophy.  It's a mouthful, I know.  But basically it deals with lectures and realizations that Rudolf Steiner gave in the first part of the twentieth century.  Lectures involving health (Anthroposophic Medicine), agriculture (Biodynamic gardening), education (Waldorf Schools) and philosophy on the various ways we can become more human (Anthroposophy).  I have studied and even lectured in Germany regarding these natural health practices.  I have also toured a German Anthroposophic hospital (Filderklinik - to learn more about integrative cancer approaches. I continue to learn more every year (good thing I love to learn!).  What does this medicine teach?  In a simple manner I would say it teaches us to reclaim our relationship with the natural world. To rekindle the warmth body (heart center) in each of us and in turn, help others rekindle their warmth body.  

As I write this I am sitting at my desk with the screen door opened to the porch of my little townhouse.  I can hear the hum of the cicadas and the gentle chirping of birds.  If I look outside I see green everywhere.  Tall green trees, winding green vines, squirrels, rabbits and geese wandering in and out of that greenery.  Bees and flying insects of all shapes and sizes can be seen.  In other words, I see LIFE teaming around me.   

I am lucky.  Most people look outside and hear machinery and the traffic of cars.  They see cement sidewalks, paved streets and tall buildings.  Maybe all they see is their homeowner association controlled subdivision with the same houses all around. They may have a few scraggly trees (all male because we can't have trees that bear fruit and may feed people for free!) a few square feet of highly chemicalized lawn which they only look at as they drive past.  If they live in a big city, they might hear sirens and garbage trucks and loud noises everywhere. They may feel overwhelmed and anxious all the time.  

I imagine the normal human in this day and age- They wake in their temperature controlled home, they jump into a shower with unfiltered water and slather chemicals they cannot pronounce onto their body, they dress in synthetic clothing of the fast fashion variety, they eat a light or no breakfast before heading through the door into their garage, get into their car and drive to work.  They work, mostly indoors and on a computer, until sundown.  After work, they may go out for drinks or dinner filled with chemicals and preservatives that didn't even exist 25 years ago.  Afterwards, they drive right back into that garage.  They walk into their "smart" house filled with technological advances and artificial lights.  They may or may not touch base with those they live with, the wired but tired, they fall asleep fitfully after numbing their nervous system with alcohol or sedatives and wake up to do it all again.  

No wonder we are so out of touch with the natural world.  Many of us humans are living an unnatural and inhuman life.  No wonder we cut each other off on the freeway.  No wonder we say horrible things to each other with self-righteous indignation.  No wonder we scrabble like rats to get ahead of anyone we can.  

Thankfully, most people who read this are greatly interested in living an authentic life.  They are interested in breathing clean air, drinking clean water and eating clean food.  Most of you are wonderful with looking at life in a more natural way; a way that cannot be won or cheated or even bought.  It has to be built by the choices we make each and every day.  Those choices are easier to see and make when your nervous system is healthy and isn't responding to 24/7 threats both perceived and imagined.  

So, what do you do if you have to live in the rat race?  How can you have a healthy nervous system?  First, we assess where you are at, then we look at where you want to be.  If it's been a while you can go online and make an appointment for a follow-up consultation Life-Thyme Appointments

Have you had your neurotransmitters lab tested?  If not, let's talk about that.  If you have is it time to reassess?  Where are you having difficulty coping?  Is it with your diet?  Is it with your sleep?  Do you feel energetic?  Are you constantly feeling negative emotions? Are your bowels moving regularly and easily?  These questions I ask each and every time we talk because they help me gauge where you are in body, mind, and spirit.

Now, can you imagine what activities you can do?  Can you think about ways to easily transition into the changing seasons with gratitude and grace?  Where ever you are in life, there is something you can do to alert your nervous system that a change is happening.  The days are growing shorter, the air is getting cooler, etc.  Stop, get outside, look, listen and experience what is happening in the outer natural world so that you can help process your inner natural world. 

Are the leaves changing in your area yet?  If so, bring a few in, sketch them, paint them or do something with your hands (not technology a selfie doesn't count).  Is there a recipe that reminds you of this time of year?  (I don't mean pumpkin spice lattes).  Are you going to school, sending someone to school or wishing you could learn something new? (You could get certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner here: Holistic Health Practitioner Certification 

What does this season mean to you?  Did you lose someone at this time?  Did you celebrate a birthday at this time? Transitioning is best done with thought.  It doesn't happen spontaneously.  Make your own ritual.  Create a small alter or remembrance shelf for the season you are in.  String acorns and fallen leaves to hang above it.  Reclaim your relationship with nature.

If you could do anything you wanted to do - or go anywhere you wanted to go -what or where would that be?  I encourage you to ready yourself for times of great transitions.  I don't believe it will get easier as we go along but we can build flexibility and neuroplasticity to move through the unpredictable seasons ahead.  We can learn how our body responds to these changes and assist it the best way possible.  We are like raindrops in the ocean and each one of us counts on the other.  To be healthy is the best gift you can give yourself and others.  Let me know if I can help. 


2. The Importance of Enzymes

If you have been a part of my practice you will notice a consistent suggested recommendation from me usually includes some form of enzyme support. 

Have you wondered why?  

In America, enzymes are mostly used for digestive support. For example someone has their gallbladder removed and turns to ox bile or fat digesting enzymes.  But in other countries, such as Germany, therapeutic enzymes have been used for many years to reduce inflammatory processes. 

Why do we need to take enzymes if we get enzymes from the foods we eat?  Do we always have to take enzyme support?  Well, we do get enzymes from food, but not when we cook food above 118 degrees Fahrenheit.  So, the easiest way to determine if you need enzyme support is to look at your diet.  Are you eating cooked food? (most of us are)  Do you have inflammation?  (Most of us do)  Do you have chronic illness? (Unfortunately this is on the rise)  If so, enzyme support should be a part of your wellness routine. My job is to help you figure out which enzymes may support you best. 

You may have heard me mention that I work with Homotoxicology (How human toxins store in our tissues and how to eliminate them safely).

In Homotoxicology there is a 6-phase chart that starts with Phase I- Excretion and ends with Phase VI -Neoplasm (cancer).  The midway point is between phases three and four.  Dr. Reckeweg named this midway point the Biological Section (originally) then changed it to the Biological Zone. After the midway point we get chronic illness. 

In his book, "Homotoxicology; Illness and Healing through Anti-homotoxic Therapy", he states:

Homotoxicology defined, corresponding to natural sciences, illnesses are the expression of a biologically goal orientated defense against homotoxins (Phases 1-3), or must be defined as the attempt to regulate toxically induced damages (Phases 4-6: iatrogenic lesions).

What makes the difference?  The ability for proper enzymatic function to occur. 

He goes on to write: 

A blockage of various enzymes often occurs, just as in the case of suppression of the inflammation by chemical therapeutics.  These enzymes can then no longer perform their biological tasks such as homotoxone coupling and detoxication.

These progressive vicariations, mentioned above, must always be avoided.  Progressive vicariations are in many cases characterised by therapeutical damage to enzymes or by re-intoxication (since homotoxins were not detoxicated during the inflammation process on account of the suppression of enzymes).

*Note: Vicariation = a progression towards degeneration

One of my hero's, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, is famous for his wonderful work in restoring health in patients that had chronic illness and cancers.  My interest in his work started while studying his impressive case studies of pancreatic cancer.  Pancreatic cancer is usually found late stage and many people die within a short period of diagnosis.

Unfortunately, Dr. Gonzalez died much too soon.  His wife is now continuing his legacy with the creation of the Gonzalez Foundation.  They have on their website a story Dr. Gonzalez told about Dr. Kelley (his mentor) and the importance of enzymes.  I encourage you to read it.  You can find the story on their website here: Dr. Kelley Story/Importance of Enzymes

3) Integrating That Clean Life program

Last, but not least, I wanted to let you know that I am integrating That Clean Life program into my practice.  This integration has a monthly fee for me and I have not yet set a price for this service. 

What will it do for you?  It allows me to offer integrative nutritional planning and recipes catered to your particular dietary needs.  If you are interested in this service please let me know.  I am looking forward to seeing how this can help you with your health journey. 

More information to come soon.

The light is fading and I have a long day of teaching tomorrow.  I wish you all a happy Autumnal Season.  I hope you are able to transition into it with a healthy body and mind. 

My best to you always,



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