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Sandra's Blog

Midwinter Wellness

I hope this finds you healthy and happy.  If, however, this finds you anxious and worried, let's talk. 

As you know, when you have a consultation with me, I always check five energetic body planes:

  1. Physical - The energy of your physical body
  2. Etheric - The energy of your ancestral body
  3. Mental - The energy of the mental body - Thoughts
  4. Emotional - The energy of the emotional body - Feelings
  5. Spiritual - The energy of the connection between you and your higher self

Most of my current consultations have people struggling with the Mental and Emotional energetic body planes. 

Even if you do not have the basic survival insecurities of food, shelter, and safety as a concern there are so many other happenings in our world to cause extra stress and anxiety at this time.

If you are doing well, I would be surprised.  Our nervous system is only equipped to handle so much stress before it goes into overdrive and then exhaustion.  Sometimes denial is one of the ways it handles too much st...

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Transitioning With The Seasons

Hello Health Seekers! 

I apologize for the lengthy lapse in delivering a newsletter to you but this is what happens when you run a one-woman business.  I've always loved hats, but sometimes it's one hat too many! 

Today I wanted to discuss three things:

1) How we can ease into each season

2) The importance of enzymes

3) Integrating That Clean Life nutritional software to my practice




Just like our own bodies, mama Earth changes too.  They are slower, more subtle changes but sometimes they can be intense.  Over the last few years interesting things have been happening to our weather and our seasons.  The poles are shifting.  What does that mean for the humans trying to seek out permanent colonies on an impermanent world? 

According to NASA, "The position of Earth’s magnetic north pole has gradually drifted north-northwest by more than 600 miles since 1831, and its forward speed has increased from about 10 miles per year to about 34 miles per year. "

I gre...

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Happy Solstice!


Tonight marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  Humans throughout time have left hints and clues that they too celebrated this returning of the sun and longing for the light. It is a reminder that we are connected by our love of light. 

In fact, many have heard me say "We are all light eaters".  Which is true.  We need the sunlight to live a healthy life and I love celebrating the return of that sunlight. 

Some of us are busy preparing for other religious or spiritual end-of-year events, but this day is special to me.  I am a June baby born during the long hours of summer sunlight.  The darkest days are a little harder for me. 

During one of my homeopathic classes I took in Switzerland I learned that the last "clearing" you do homeopathically is based on both the strongest day for the patient (their birthday) and the weakest day (6 months later).  December is my weaker time of year.  Because of this, I spend extra time being cozy and kind to...

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3 Tips to Welcome Autumn!

Wow!  It's been a busy summer of training and consulting for me.  

How about you?  How did your summer go?  Can you believe it's already over???

Are you smoothly transitioning to Autumn?  Transitions are what I want to write about today.  

Most of us are so busy juggling life we forget to take a moment to stop, connect and breathe before we move from one thing to another.  For some, changes can be jarring or unsettling.  For others, it could be a feeling of overwhelm or anxiety about upcoming holidays.  For many, it's a time for school to begin and that has its own rhythm of schedule changes.  

Outside, we have the changes in sunlight, color of the trees, and cooler temperatures.  These changes too need to be acknowledged and transitioned into.  

What are ways we can ease into new changes or seasons?  

1) Bring nature inside-  If we live and work inside and don't get a chance to be in nature, it's really easy to feel like time is moving too fast or that you haven't caught up.  

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Summer 2023

Happy Summer!

Last week I had a dear friend and colleague visiting and we found our way to this interesting museum.  (Photo above) The Country Doctor Museum.  There is a small medicine garden and three historic buildings with informative displays (including live leeches).  It brought a smile to my lips to see the herbal tonic for menstruating women included many of the same herbs we use to this day.  

What have you been up to???

Let’s catch up on some of my thoughts about summer and learn a little more about natural health. Topics for today:

  • Camping
  • Classes
  • Courage
  • Crafting

If it’s been awhile since your last energy assessment, you can make an appointment here: 

Appointment HERE

Many times I am asked for a good multi-vitamin/superfood supplement.  I am having good results with IntraMax which you can order yourself by clicking here IntraMax and entering my Practitioner Account Code (PAC) = STE6677 




If you...

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Are you ready for 2023?


Are you ready to welcome in the new year?  

After the holiday indulgence period, this is the time of year that so many want to make a fresh start on their health.  It's one of the biggest resolutions made around the world. Resolutions such as:

  • Lose weight
  • Exercise more
  • Eat healthier
  • Drink more water

Most of you know that when you feel good, you move through the seasons with ease and joy.  However, I know most of you because you don't feel good.  My job as a Traditional Naturopath is to use my experience and training to assist you in achieving your health goals. 

Sometimes we go astray (like I did this holiday season by eating too much sugar).  Other times life throws us curveballs and we get off track.  

Whatever and wherever we are on our own health journeys, I hope you take a moment tonight to think about what areas of your life are out of balance and in your control.  Where do you want to focus for the new year?  

In 2022, many of my clients resonated with both the m...

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Fall Season is almost here!

2022 autumn fall immune Aug 10, 2022

I don't know about you, but I love it when the hot summer days turn into the cooler days of autumn.  It marks a transition time that we should pay attention to with regards to our health. 

School, online or in person, starts again and a new cycle begins that we should support our immune systems for.

Changes in diet as we move forward should include warming and colorful foods.  Spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and turmeric can be added to steamed oat milk or coconut milk for a nice morning pick me up.  

If the damp and cool weather makes your bones ache, you'll want to prepare some homemade Epsom salt baths with 1:1 ratio of Epsom salt and baking soda.  Add essential oils of your choice 7 drops / 2 cups of dry mix.  Some I like to include are Eucalyptus, Ginger, Orange, and Frankincense.  

I've put together a few immune favorites for this time of year that you can order on FullScript here:

If this is too genera...

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May Days - When to book a Follow-Up Consultation


In North Carolina we've been experiencing the ups and downs of weather with fog, hail, rain, tornados and sunshine.  Needless to say, my favorite is the sunshine.  We have a gaggle of goslings that hatched last week and I'm enjoying my mornings on the porch watching them waddle past.  

What are you looking forward to this Summer?  We already have healthy popsicles and herbal iced tea going.  Two of our current recipes we'll include below for you to try your hand at making. 

This month I wanted to address when to book a Follow-Up Consultation appointment with me.  If you have already had an Initial Consultation appointment and have a sample envelope sent in, you can book a Follow-Up Consultation when recommended; if you are having any new issues, or if it's simply been a while and you want to get back on track.  

Follow-Up Consultations are used to make sure you are achieving your health and wellness goals.  It's a good time to check in and see if your recommended supplements are ...

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Happy Spring!

2022 spring Mar 21, 2022

Happy Spring!

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everything in North Carolina is blooming so that means liver/allergy support time is here.  Some simple solutions:

  1. Trees bloom first so keep those windows closed at night
  2. Quercetin can be a big support during allergy season
  3. Elderberry (Sambucus) is one of my favorite supports during allergy season and if you're ordering on my Fullscript catalog you can see here:
  4. Book an Energy Balancing appointment and have allergy support broadcasted to your testing envelope for remote support 
  5. Book a follow-up assessment to give yourself a spring tune up

Click here to book an appointment

I have a new toy in the office which allows me to broadcast Rife Frequencies into your testing envelope.  If you'd like an appointment simply book an Energy Balancing appointment.   If you'd like to purchase your own, I have a referral link for you here:

I’ve been using Sp...
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Happy Thanksgiving

I am so happy to report that I’ve noticed so much more reaching out and connecting this holiday season.  I wanted to add my thanks to all of you.  It is so important to connect, communicate and create at this time.  

However you choose to celebrate this holiday season I wish you happiness, health and a cultivation of what Rudolf Steiner called “holistic thinking”.  Holistic thinking involves asking why and finding the truth out for yourself.  Everyone of you are on the path of holistic health because you asked “Why?”

Why am I having these symptoms?  Why am I unable to feel enough energy to get through the day?  Why am I so stressed?  Why do I have to be taught what is healthy for my body to eat and drink?  Why, why, why?

Keep asking this question as you move through this season.  Keep looking for answers to your health questions.  This is a time of great reflection and imagination.  If social media, news outlets and even your relatives are getting you down, frustrated, fearful, de...

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