How do you recharge? If you are like most Americans you work hard, play hard and most of the time you have to schedule "me-time". However, this is my birthday month and it's a big one (cough- fifty- gulp). So I decided to try the whole vacation thing.
I wrote this as you see me in the picture above - relaxed in Mykonos, Greece at a garden taverna with sunshine dancing through the trees and birdsong all around.
Now I am definitely not one to slow down. Vacationing usually revolves around a business trip as if I have to justify it. Alright full disclosure after vacation I AM teaching for two days in New Jersey and meeting with practitioners. But that is a week away. For now I am trying to remember why I don't do this more often.
Americans tend to have the most unused vacation time in the world. What is wrong with us? I teach holistic health and in doing so I have found myself coming up short in living a holistically balanced life. All work and no play doesn't just make you tired and boring, but it makes you unbalanced. We know dis-ease comes from imbalances.
So I challenge you to spend a little quiet time and make plans for vacation to rest, recharge and rejuvenate. I know it has helped me find more balance.
- Sandra
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