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Sandra's Blog

Midwinter Wellness

I hope this finds you healthy and happy.  If, however, this finds you anxious and worried, let's talk. 

As you know, when you have a consultation with me, I always check five energetic body planes:

  1. Physical - The energy of your physical body
  2. Etheric - The energy of your ancestral body
  3. Mental - The energy of the mental body - Thoughts
  4. Emotional - The energy of the emotional body - Feelings
  5. Spiritual - The energy of the connection between you and your higher self

Most of my current consultations have people struggling with the Mental and Emotional energetic body planes. 

Even if you do not have the basic survival insecurities of food, shelter, and safety as a concern there are so many other happenings in our world to cause extra stress and anxiety at this time.

If you are doing well, I would be surprised.  Our nervous system is only equipped to handle so much stress before it goes into overdrive and then exhaustion.  Sometimes denial is one of the ways it...

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