Hello my health conscious friends!
I hope this finds you well and safe. I wanted to send a message to FEAR NOT. Not because I have any answers or a magic remedy to fix the situation, but because FEAR CAN LOWER YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.
For more information on how emotional responses like stress and fear do this click here: Simple Psychology
One of our healthy activities we are doing at home is growing organic sprouts from Hamama. It’s the easiest, cleanest and best way I have ever grown sprouts. My daughter has kept us in sprouts weekly. Click on my affiliate link to order yours here: SANDRA’S HAMAMA LINK
I have received phone calls, emails, and texts (with lots of emojis) expressing stress and worry over the Corona Virus (COVID-19).
Yes, this is a serious health crisis we are under. Most people and companies are unprepared for how to handle quarantine, supplies, business protocols, childcare and anything else that is...
Where has the time gone? I mean, it seems like it was just yesterday I was enjoying beautiful summer weather and now it's Thanksgiving! I know, if you are like me, the days are full and that is a blessing. For some, you may feel like you never get around to really committing to health. This newsletter is for you. I have a few updates that may help you.
Last month I did my first ever booth for the Cornelius Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. We raffled off a beautiful basket filled with health goodies and I did free tongue screenings (much to the surprise of those passing by. Yes, I'm that lady - the one who looks at your tongue to see how healthy you are). LOL
My new practice is slowly building up local support. I appreciate technology and the ability to keep and support my clients around the US. Are you having as much fun during a tele-session as I am???
1) Making your initial or follow-up consultations...